Advice on recovering/taking action/making sense

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Advice on recovering/taking action/making sense

Post by Norealname »

I'm recently trying to move on - just in the last few months - I did not have a romantic relationship necessarily - I'm honestly confused about what is going on still sometimes - I think I was just randomly selected to mess with. I interviewed for a job and was hypnotised covertly - although he told me he was going to and I was like, sure. I didnt believe him but was also amused/intrigued. Also he was not a total stranger but we worked in the same building for over a year and we had some breif conversations. He hypnotised me and at the time I didnt know it - but I caught on. He put me in and out of trance and I didnt know what trance was at the time so I was fascinated/shocked/scared depending on what he was using it for. At first it was very helpful, like hypno therapy, we talked about my whole life and I felt he was really helping me(he used to be a business coach) then it started to get sexual - dont want to go into too many details but I would come out of trance speaking very sexually then apologize - he would question my apology - then he would change the subject and the next thing I know I'm coming out of trance speaking out loud about how if and why I would commit suicide - at this point I became really scared- and he was just sitting back with no expression observing - I dont know why I didnt walk away it was like I couldn't- I kept questioning what his intentions were and even asked him a few times he shrugged his shoulders - I kept thinking to myself I was going to get down to the bottom of whatever it was he was doing so that I could expose whatever it was that he was doing. And the whole time I think he was just messing with me. I asked if he was just bored with life and told him he was a psychopath and that I could tell his facial expressions weren't real among other things out of anger - I think I pissed him off - he started suggesting horrible things to me by simply asking me questions - I dont remember what they were - I only remember it was soul sucking - I also remember telling him my ideas about real estate and he has implemented them as his own - I feel he has stolen my personality and now I have a pusedo personality but mostly at work - I want so badly to tell HR and anyone at work but I'm scared. I'm afraid he has smeared my name and I'm also afraid that there is a secret cult at my office that he is a part of. I'm still at that office but not on his team - I did not get hired.
Im missing pieces of what happened and this was two years ago I forgot about it all but within the last 6 months started to remember. Before I remembered I would go around singing his praises and talking about how great he was. I feel he recorded the end of the interview where I say awful things out loud and has let a lot of people listen and I even remember telling him to - I feel like he had to of drugged me. I went to the police and they said unfortunately hypnotism is not a crime but to let them know if I remember anything else. I feel I need a lawyer who understands hypnotism and NLP - I went to see a therapist recently who also does hypno therapy to talk to her about it. She is expensive but I'm scheduling another appointment when I can. She is the one who mentioned NLP to me I didnt know what that was either.
Trying to figure out what has/is happening to me via google brought me here to this website.
Any advice would be appreciated I'm sorry if this is too graphic.
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