Announcement - Increased Security

Announcements from Aftermath moderators and administrators
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Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2007 5:07 pm

Announcement - Increased Security

Post by Paul »

To all our members and guests:

After careful consideration, we have decided to make the following changes to how the Aftermath Forums operate:

1. Private Forums - All Forums are now private except for Rules For This Site, Announcements, and Ask The Experts. This means that only individuals who have registered with Aftermath can view and/or participate in discussions on the Forums. [This had been suggested by one of our regular posters--thank you.]

2. Registration Review - Guests who wish to join Aftermath, and therefore be able to view and participate in the Forums, should Register on the Forum main page. In the interest of security and privacy, each new registration will be reviewed by an Aftermath Administrator before being approved for access. This may take from 2 minutes to 24 hours depending on the volume of new registration requests and how many Moderators / Administrators are on duty. We will make every attempt to process these very quickly as we value your interest in participating on our Forums. [Sadly, spammers sometimes try to walk in the front door. This new process was suggested by a regular poster with experience in Internet security. Thank you.]

3. Post Review - All new posts will be put in a queue and reviewed by a Moderator or Administrator before being posted on the Forum. While, in the past, we have tried to review every post for conformance to the rules, etc. as they were posted on the Forums, we have found that having a questionable post on the Internet, even for a short time, can be problematic. Therefore, we will take the time before releasing posts to the Forum by reviewing them first.

4. No Editing - Once posted, posts cannot be edited. We have found that allowing posters to edit their own posts has contributed significantly to the moderators' task of keeping track of changes and reviewing them, sometimes multiple times. We have also found that allowing posters to edit their posts opens a door to spammers who use this type of approach (Yes, we've had spammers, but if you haven't noticed them you can thank our vigilant Moderators!)

NOTE: If you've posted something and have since realized that your security is possibly in jeopardy, send a note to the Moderators stating your issue and one will contact you to work out removal of your post.

On the drawing board...

The Aftermath Executive Committee has been working on a variety of improvements to the site, some of which are noted above. As we move forward, we want to invite new Guests to visit the site and, hopefully, find the information presented relevant and of value. Yet, we need to protect our valued and long-standing members by making most of our forums accessible only to registered users.

Therefore, we will be introducing a new non-private Forum (as yet unnamed) that will contain sample posts and threads from all our other Forums so that Guests can take a "tour." Hopefully, they will find the Aftermath Forums, as well as the other work being done by the Aftermath: Surviving Psychopathy Foundation, of value. We welcome all new members!