feeling like I'm losing my grip on reality

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feeling like I'm losing my grip on reality

Post by indianajones89 »

Hi, Everyone -

I'm not even sure if this is the right place for this. If it isn't, feel free to take this post down.

I just wanted to give my account of what has happened to me this past year with an ex gf of mine that I am pretty sure is somewhere on the psychopath spectrum. I don't even fully understand the disorder, but what this woman has put me through in the past 10 months has left me reeling and I am, at this point, not sure how to get my life back on track. My life hasn't completely fallen apart yet, but I don't know how much longer I can keep doing what I'm currently doing.

I work with her, too. I made a big mistake getting involved with someone I work with and I fully admit that. I only date her for 4 months [Information removed, Moderator]. In this short period of time she would scream and rage at me over very trivial things. One time she hit herself in the face repeatedly because I told her I was upset with her for starting a fight with me earlier that night. I finally chose to end the relationship and I tried to be as nice as I could, but here's a short list of all that's happened since I broke up with her in Feb.

* vandalized my car twice. She even admitted to management about the first incident where she put office sticky notes on my car. The second incident she jammed a metal spoon from our office kitchen behind my license plate. There was no video proof of this so she didn't get in trouble...
* flirts with and rubs guys that I work with in my face. I wouldn't be surprised if she's slept with a few of them.
* stares at me when she comes out onto the salesfloor. She was told not to do this anymore by management, but she still comes out to the sales floor and stares at me. It's like she's not afraid of getting in trouble.
* she moved to my neighborhood where I live. When I dated her she lived 35-40 minutes way, now she's right down the street. Literally a 5-6 minute drive.
* When I first broke up with her, she would park her car right next to mine 3-4 times a week for a good month
* Even recently, I'm going to get my hair cut on Saturday and I notice a car that looks like hers following me. The car is right behind me but because of the way the sun was hitting the wind shield I couldn't quite see who it was. I recognized the ornament on the rear view mirror as hers. But when the car finally turned right, from the side, it looked like a different model. It tripped my head out bad because at first I was sure it was her, then I wasn't so sure.
* just yesterday night I had to go to one of the stores in my neighborhood to buy something. I was parked on the street and when I get back into my car, right before I start the engine, I noticed a jogger jogging past me on the street and it was HER.

Even when I dated her she vaguely mentioned one time about being in jail and from what it sounded like it was from her beating up a boyfriend but then she shrugged her shoulders and said "They didn't have enough evidence to prove it". When I was dating her, she came over one time and pulled out a nice, crystal beer glass like you get in the bars and restaurants. She just said "here, I took this for you". Also, after I broke up with her, several weeks later, I noticed damage around my apartment that I hadn't noticed before. There's a big chipping missing from my second bedroom door and my bedroom on the window seal it looks like someone took something sharp and stabbed at it 8-9 times. Another bizarre incident, when I was dating her was she spent the night one night and the next day from work I come home and I need to use the bathroom. I put the lid up and see that there is both feces and urine in the bowl, but no toilet paper. My first thought was, "Oh my God, did I forget to flush that this morning?" Then I remember not even using the bathroom that morning. I'm pretty sure she did this and just didn't flush it. Why no toilet paper? It's just bizarre.

All I know is that what she's done to me and what I've experienced from her is NIGHT AND DAY different than the sweet act she puts on at work. NIGHT AND DAY. That alone has been traumatizing. I feel like in my gut she is constantly thinking of ways to hurt me or make my life miserable. I fully exposed her to upper management. I aired all her dirty laundry. She even admitted to management that she hit herself in the face and is trying to find a psychologist. But I know that is B.S. She is so manipulative, deceitful and cold that I am truly feeling like I'm going crazy from having to see her at work. I feel like I'm in danger and don't know what else to do. Why she has not just quit yet is beyond anything I can fathom.
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